S.N. |
1. |
A Study on Fundamental Analysis of Blue-chip Companies on NSE of India |
2. |
Knowledge and Attitude Towards Entrepreneurship Among Millennials |
3. |
Factors That Influence Performance Of Regional Financial ManagerMediated byEmployee Motivation(Research On Regional Finance And Revenue Management Agency ofWest Sulawesi Province) |
4. |
Determinants of Service Quality in Primary Healthcare Facilities in Mpulungu District, Northern Province Zambia |
5. |
Economic analysisofsectoral financial intermediationand capital formation prospect in Nigeria |
6. |
A Study into the Effect of Demographics on Emotional Intelligence in Ghana |
7. |
Budgeting: Impact on Business Performance and Audit
Expectactions In Nigeria |
8. |
A Competência Social Na Gestão De Pessoas E Do
Conhecimento |
9. |
Servant Leadership and its Impact: A Review of
Literature |
10. |
Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Contribution of Tax Revenues to Regional Original Income And Strategies in Increasing Regional Original Income in North Toraja Regency |
11. |
The Mass Media; the #Endsars Protest and the October 2020 Carnage in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects |
12. |
An Analytical Study on Liquidity Management of Selected Private Sector Banks in India |
13. |
The Effect of Career Development Learning & Experience (Work & Life) on the Employability of Prospective Alumnus of Ma Chung University Malang Through Reflection & Evaluation |
14. |
A study on perceptions of corporate social responsibility and corporate social responsibility practices by companies in Himachal Pradesh |
15. |
Lending Behavior and Non -Performing Loans of Commercial Banks in Kenya |
16. |
Implementation of Economic Learning Using Google Class Room in Class Xi IPS – 3 Sman 2 Palangka Raya, the Study Year 2020/2021 |
17. |
The Relationship of Learning Motivation and Confidence on the Interest of Economic Study of Grades X IPS at SMAN 1 Kahayan Hilir in the 2020/2021 Academic Year |
18. |
Transformational leadership a paradigm to initiative-oriented behaviour among the Managers in health care set up- literature review |
19. |
The Effect of Knowledge and Skills on Performance with Technology-Based Competence Mediation in the Indonesian Civil Servant Cooperative (KPRI) Pangudi Luhur
RSUD Dr. Haryoto Lumajang |
20. |
Inequality & Territorial solidarity in Morocco: State of the art and experiences |
21. |
Impact of Working Capital Management on Profitability in Spinning Mill, Trivandrum |
22. |
Facttors Affecting Brand Equity Management in Service Sector: A Case of Dashen Bank S.C. Hawassa Branches |
23. |
Financial Performance Estimation of Selected Indian Commercial Banks Using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) |
24. |
Perception of borrowers in Chennai towards personal loans in NBFCs |
25. |
The Effect Of Regional Original Income, Regional Financial Management, and Accountability on Development Performance of Mamuju District |
26. |
The Effect of Education Level and Experience on the Performance of Civil Servants in West Sulawesi Province |
27. |
Firms Attributes On Earnings Management Of Listed Deposit Money Banks In Nigeria |