S.N. |
1. |
Business Strategy in Increasing Competitiveness in the Automotive Component Industry (Case Study at PT Metindo Erasakti) |
2. |
The Effect of Organizational Justice, Organizational Climate and Competence on the Job Satisfaction of SMPN Teachers in District V Koto Kampung Dalam Padang Pariaman Regency |
3. |
The Influence of Brand Equity, Service and Trust on Customer Satisfaction of Bank Nagari Padang Main Branch |
4. |
Recording and Reporting Of ZAKAT Funds: Implementation of PSAK 109 |
5. |
Employee Engagement: The Now And The Prospect |
6. |
Credit Accessibility and Utilization of Micro and Small-Scale Clothing and Textile Entrepreneurs in Enugu State |
7. |
Boardroom Ethnicity, Corporate Diversification and Cash flow Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria: An Independent and Joint Effect Analysis |
8. |
The Effect of Transparency, Accountability, and Community Participation on the Effectiveness of Fund Management Through Competency As Moderating Variables In North Toraja Regency |
9. |
Analysis of Efficiency and Effectiveness of Regional Financial Management in Mamuju District, Mamuju Regency |
10. |
An Analytical Study of Impact of Number of Bank Branches On Deposits, Advances and NPA: With Special Reference to Lead Bank Scheme |
11. |
Audit Findings on Audit Opinion with Follow-Up on Audit Results as Moderating Variable (Study in West Sulawesi Province Government) |
12. |
Development Strategy of Village Potential Through Embung Tourism, Sambigede Village, Binangun
District, Blitar Regency, Indonesia |
13. |
Sustainable Finance Disclosure on Banking Sector in
Indonesia: The Relationship Esg with Company
Performance and Institutional Ownership |
14. |
Effect Of Strategic Evaluation And Control On Financial
Performance Of Small And Medium Entreprises In Juba,
South Sudan. |
15. |
Analysis of The Effect of Job Rotation and Leadership
Style Through Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance
in Class I Correctional Institution Makassar |
16. |
The Influence of Brand Image, Product Quality and Sales
Promotion on Oppo Smartphone Purchase Decisions
In Sumenep Regency |
17. |
Analysis of Effectiveness, Efficiency and Contribution of
Customs Fees for Land and Building Rights (BPHTB)
Towards Regional Revenue (PAD) of North Toraja
Regency |
18. |
The Effect of Tax Socialization, Taxpayer Awareness, and
Tax Knowledge on Land and Building Rights Acquisition
Fee (BPHTB) Taxpayer Compliance in Gowa Regency |
19. |
The Effect of Human Resources Competence and Internal
Control System on Regional Organization (OPD)
Performance with Information Technology Utilization as
Intervening Variable in Mamuju Regency |
20. |
Analysis of Factors Affecting Budget Absorption at the
Ministry Of Religion of South Sulawesi Province |
21. |
The Effect of Promotion, Brand Image, and Brand Trust
on Zakat Decisions in Zakat Institutions and Collection In
Digital 4.0 Era, Case Study On Amil Zakat National
Agency (Baznas) Bekasi Regency In North Cikarang |
22. |
The Effect Of Extrinsic Motivation, Organizational
Culture, And Employee Engagement On Employee
Performance In Indonesian Film Censorship Board(Lsf) |
23. |
Comparative Study on the Status Quo of Domestic Patent
Technology Transfer |
24. |
Cyber Security and Business Sustainability of Quoted
Insurance Firms in Nigeria |
25. |
Analysis of Employee Performance in the Removal of Regional Goods at The Regional Secretariat of West Sulawesi Province |
26. |
The Effects of Global Financial Conditions on Asset Prices in African Countries |
27. |
Parenting Styles and Self-efficacy as Predictors of Antisocial Behaviours among Adolescents of Geidam Metropolis, Yobe State, North-Eastern Nigeria |
28. |
Does Corporate Governance Affect Productivity? Evidence from Private and Public Sector Banks in India |
29. |
The Influence of Human Resources and Regional Property Administration on the Quality of Financial Reports with Internal Control System as a Moderating Variable (Study at the Regional Government Office of West Sulawesi Province) |
30. |
Effect of Competence and Work Environment on Employee Performance with Tpp Provision of Tpp As A Moderate Variable At The Makassar City Investment And One-Stop Integrated Service Office |
31. |
Institutional and Cultural Environment, Customer Income Profile and Retail Banks Operation in Nigeria: A Conceptual Review |
32. |
A Study on the Determinants of Income of Printing and Bookbinding Workers: An Evidence From Bhubaneswar City |
33. |
Corporate governance elements and return on capital employed by cooperative societies |
34. |
The Effect of Budget Planning, Implementation, Human Resources Quality, and Supervision on Budget Absorption on Regional Organizations of Mamuju Regency |
35. |
The Influence Of Competence And Independence On The Quality Of Audits Through The Motivation Of The Inspectorate Apparatus Of West Sulawesi Province (Study On The Government Of West Sulawesi Province) |
36. |
Mediation of Satisfaction in Service Quality and Trust In Students' Loyalty: Empirical Evidence From PTM Indonesia |