S.N. |
1. |
Production of Clay- Bricks As an Alternate to Modern- Bricks for Sustainable Development |
2. |
Effect Of E-Procurement, Competence And Good Governance On The Quality Of Electronic Procurement Services On The Island Of Java |
3. |
Human Resources (HR) Practices and Innovative Work Behavior: The Mediation Role of Employee Engagement in Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 |
4. |
The Influence of Community Competency, Organizational Commitment, and Participation on the Accountability of Village Fund Management in North Toraja District |
5. |
A Study on Factors Influencing the Purchase of Wooden Plywood Flooring |
6. |
Accountability and People Participation Effects towards Regional Budget Allocation Management in North Toraja District |
7. |
The Meaning Of Cross Accountability: An Etnometodological Study at UKI TORAJA |
8. |
The Effect of Knowledge Management and Learning Organization on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction in the Inspectorate General of the Indonesian Military |
9. |
A Research Study on "The Impact of Human Resource Practices on Employee Commitment and Employee Retention with special reference to Tata Motors, Jamshedpur" |
10. |
The Influence of Geology and Mining Factor in Mining Company Valuation |
11. |
Analysis of Factors Affecting Local Government Budget Supervision
(Study on Members of the Regional House of Representatives) |
12. |
The Status of a Limited Liability Company in the Polish Legal System |
13. |
Factors Affecting Performance and effectiveness of job opportunities creation, in case of Sidama National Regional State, Ethiopia |
14. |
A Comparative study on performance of Mutual Funds of select Public and Private sector banks – pre and post pandemic |
15. |
The Influence of Globalization on Our Daily Life: A Comparative Overview of Baidoa in Somalia and Abu Dhabi in the UAE |
16. |
A comparative study on the supervision of asset appraisal industry between China and foreign countries |
17. |
Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards and Corporate Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria |
18. |
A Research On The Determination Of The Elements That Affectıng The Purchase Intention In Online Shopping According To Astrological Indicators |
19. |
The Effect of Implementation of Non Cash Transactions on Good Governance (Case Study of West Sulawesi Province) |
20. |
Overview of Corporate Tax Planning, Management and Administration Exercise in Indonesia |
21. |
Implementation of Tax Management on the Distribution of Company Profits to Shareholders, Case Study At Pt X |
22. |
The Exploration of Critical Factors to Young Generation Choosing Korean Budget Cosmetics as a Trend: A Case Study of Taiwan |
23. |
Impulsive Buying Behaviour of Consumers : A Review |
24. |
Budget Deficit, Monetary Policy and Inflation Dynamics In Nigeria |
25. |
Treinamento de instrutores internos em um hospital universitário: um relato de experiência Training of internal instructors in a university hospital: an experience report |
26. |
Benchmarking the Best Practices of Proactive Corperate Governanace and Development Administration Practice: Solution to the Poor Performance in the Nigerian Public Enterprise |
27. |
The Influence of Customer Engagement and Word of Mouth on Customer Loyalty Through Purchase Decisions for PT 4Life Research Indonesia's Multi-Level Marketing Products |
28. |
People Participation in State Budget Arrangement in West Sulawesi Province |
29. |
Oil Revenue and Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria (1981 – 2020) |
30. |
Determinants of Comprehension Cryptocurrency-Based Decentralized Finance in Master of Management Students at BhayangkaraJakarta Raya University |
31. |
The Influence of Product Quality, Service Quality and Consumer Satisfaction on Competitive Advantage in the Development of Start Up Coffee Shops |
32. |
Human Resources Competence and Information System Quality Effect towards Regional Owned Goods Management Effectiveness with Leader Commitment as a Moderating Variable in North Toraja District |
33. |
Technology Based Management (TBM) Strategy and The Performance Of Aluminium Manufacturing Firms In OWERRI, Imo State, Nigeria |
34. |
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Audit Quality of North Toraja District Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus |
35. |
Impact of agricultural credits on the Nigerian economic growth |
36. |
Artificial Intelligence in HRM |
37. |
Adaptive Final Assessment Exam of Accounting Modules to the Context of the Covid-19 Epidemic: A Case at Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam |
38. |
Auditor Performance Analysis with Soft and Hard Competence with Work Motivation as a Moderating Variable (Study towards Mamuju District Inspectorate) |
39. |
The Effect Of Interest Rates, Exchange Rates And Financial Performance On The Stock Price Index Of Combined With Trading Volume As Intervening Variable |
40. |
MICE Marketing & Management |
41. |
Organizational Creativity Management and Employees Productivity in selected Micro-Finance Banks in Owerri |
42. |
Effect of Marketing Research on New Product Development: A Study of Selected Bakeries in Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria |