Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science
ISSN : 2321 - 9467

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1. Human Resource Management Activities and Performance of Fire Services in Abia and Anambra States', Nigeria
2. At Crossroads: Identity Crisis In The Moviemowgli: The Legend Of The Jungle
3. Some Proposals to Display Smes (Pymes) In Ecuador
4. Socio-economic and Market Analysis of Gari in Benue State Nigeria
5. Human Relativity versus Einsteinian Relativity:Problematising the Human Paradigm in the Scientific Expositions of D H Lawrence
6. Consommation Du Tabac Chez Les Étudiants De L'université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (Cote D'ivoire) : Entre Logiques Identitaires Et Therapeutiques
7. The Cultural Transformation of the Biblical Imagery, Myths and Traditions: An Analysis of the Adaptation or It is The Cultural Appropriation in Lady Gaga's Song "Judas"
8. Transportation Network Analysis, Connectivity and Accessibility Indices in North East, Nigeria
9. Exploring the Perception and Experience of Neonatal Resuscitation among Community Health Extension Workers in Nigeria
10. Determinants of Stunting Events in Primary School Children in Elementary School 188 Manunggal East Tomoni District 2019


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