S.N. |
1. |
Grievance Management and Project Performance: A case of the Second Kampala Institutional and Infrastructure Development Project |
2. |
A Study of the Impact of British Colonial Agriculture on Yola Division of Adamawa Province |
3. |
Poverty Alleviation Policies: Catalyst for Economic Development of Nigeria |
4. |
Effect of Increase in the Price of Petroleum and Increase in the Sales of Electric Sccoter |
5. |
Ihsan as Islamic Ethical Virtue for Neighborhood Community Coexistence |
6. |
Importance of Traditional Communication in Rural Development |
7. |
Waiting For Godot: A Solution to Existential Crisis |
8. |
Experiencing New Normal – Upshots of COVID-19 |
9. |
Mind: Through the Lens of Some Schools of Indian Philosophy and Ayurveda |
10. |
Historical Origin of the Vaiphei Tribe of Manipur |
11. |
Psychosocial Problems among Adolescents during COVID 19 lockdown |
12. |
The formation of Matak: caste or community: A study in its historical perspective |
13. |
Examination of General Socio-Psyche Interaction Through The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison |
14. |
Housingcondition and Socio-Economic Characteristicofslum Residents In Makoko |
15. |
Surviving During Civil War |
16. |
The Role of Asymmetries and Choice of Causality Testing Procedure in Energy Consumption – Growth Nexus in Nigeria |
17. |
Hábitos Saludables Relacionados Con La Salud Bucodental De Los Alumnos De Educación Infantil |
18. |
Acercamiento a la naturaleza a través de una metodología práctica en educación infantil |
19. |
Recorrido Histórico Del Concepto De Inteligencia Emociona Y Su Puesta En Práctica En El Aula De Educación Infantil |
20. |
Los Títeres Como Recurso Didáctico Para Trabajar La Inteligencia Emocional A Través Del Cuento |
21. |
Propuesta De Intervención Psicomotora En El Alumnado Con Dispraxia Infantil |
22. |
Metacognitive Ability as Determinant of Senior Secondary School Students Academic Performance in Mathematics in Ondo State, Nigeria |
23. |
Surveillance and Data Protection: Privacy and Digital Security Under Threat? |
24. |
Understanding a Hacker's Mind from a Criminal Perspective |
25. |
Pathetic condition of a character: Aku-nna in Buchi Emecheta's ' The Bride Price' |
26. |
Translation Analysis and Assessment: An Oral Poetry of
the Totola Rabhas |
27. |
An Overview of the Contribution of Corporate Social
Responsibility on Economic Development |
28. |
O Mal Estar E A Adicção: Considerações Iniciais |
29. |
Public Usage of Police Social Media Applications |
30. |
Reception of Art in the Public Space - The Most Common
Reasons for Non-acceptance and Their Causes |
31. |
Exploring Experiences of Identity Formation amongst
Young Students |
32. |
Interconnection of Unemployment and Training in the
Prefecture of Arcadia |
33. |
Research on current situation and countermeasure of
education informatization at china and abroad |
34. |
A Diachronic Study of the Loss of /w/ in some Lexical
Items in Central Yoruba Dialect Group |
35. |
Teachers Qualification as a Determinant of Students
Achievement and Attitude towards the English Language |
36. |
El Diagnóstico Participativo como base primordial en los planes comunitarios sustentables |
37. |
Depression And How Work Environment Contribute To It and the Remedies Thereof |
38. |
The Educational Philosophy Of Mahatma Gandhi And It's Necessity On Prsenet Context |
39. |
La Lecto-Escritura Como Competencia Preferente En La Etapa De Educación Infantil. Recursos Y Actividades Rutinarias Para Llevar A Cabo En Aula |
40. |
बाल अपराध एक सामाजिक समस्या |
41. |
The Impact of Political and Epidemic Crisis on E- Learning English Language in Yemen |
42. |
Media Globalization: Examining the Convergenece of Corporate, Political, And Media Interest |
43. |
Introducción De Las Tic En Las Aulas De Educación Infantil: Robótica Aplicada A La Educación |
44. |
Porous Borders and Weapons Proliferations: A Threat To Nigeria's Security |
45. |
Dynamics of the Non-Farm Sector and Poverty Alleviation In Babessi Sub-Division, North West Region, Cameroon |
46. |
Female Foeticide and Laws in India |
47. |
Speaking Strategy For Urban Indonesian Learners In Academic Situation |
48. |
A River with a foot in two boats: a Clinical study of Ashima in Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake |
49. |
Diplomacy in 21st century: Changes and Challenges |
50. |
The Causes of Inadequate Housing Development By Senior Civil Servants In Rivers State: A New Perspective |
51. |
Centre-State Relations in India: An Understanding of The Legacy Centre-Assam Relationship |
52. |
Social Justice: An Indian Scenario |
53. |
Impact of Rupee Depreciation on the Growth Drivers of Indian Economy (Impact of Currency Depreciation on MSMEs in India) |
54. |
Women's Rights: A Comparison between Islam, other Civilizations and Communities |
55. |
The impact of corporate governance elements on financial performance of cooperative societies |
56. |
Refugee Laws in India |
57. |
Social Idiosyncrasies and Participation in Community Development among Women in Southern S
Enatorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria |