S.N. |
1. |
A Review of Methodologies to Approach Fraud in the Remanufacturing Industry |
2. |
The BIM Systems' Role in Architecture during Pandemics |
3. |
Social Enterprise Marketing: An Analysis of Selected Cases in India |
4. |
Evaluation of Tax Administration and Tax Management at the Distributor of PT Pertamina Lubricants |
5. |
The Effect of Value Added Tax on Savings in Nigeria |
6. |
A Study on the Effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Policy (Post Covid) In One of the Leading Hospitals in Kolkata |
7. |
Taxation Management in the Digital Economic Era |
8. |
Understanding the Employee Perspective on Corporate Governance Practices in the Public Sector Units in India |
9. |
Human Resource Development in Cooperative Banks In India: Some Recommendations |
10. |
Effect of Multiple Taxation on the Financial Performance of Hospitality Firms in Abia State, Nigeria |
11. |
Impact of Faculty Development and Evaluation Programs for Enlightening Education and Sustainability of the Universities In Bangladesh: A Methodological Study |
12. |
The Impact of China Investor's Sentiment Index on Stock Market Returns and Volatilities |
13. |
The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture and Competency On Organizational Commitment And Employee Performance At Bappeda Bangkalan District |
14. |
Effect of Credit Risk on the Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria |
15. |
Employees' Productivity in Insurance Firms: Motivation and Job Satisfaction View Point |
16. |
Corporate Tax Saving In Indonesia |
17. |
The Analysis Of The Facilities Locations And Transportation
Activities In The Supply Chain Management On Firm's
Performance |
18. |
New World Economic Order |
19. |
A Study on Preference of Online Shoppers in Kochi |
20. |
The Effect Of Self Efficacy And Professional Skeptism On Fraud
Detection With Emotional Intelligence As A Moderation
Variables |
21. |
Unethical Packaging Practice and Its Effect on Consumer
Perception, a Case Study of Packaged Foods and Beverages |
22. |
Socioeconomic Costs Of Road Traffic Injury Among Victims In Selected Hospitals In Southern Ethiopia |
23. |
Evaluating Business Strategies of Opsonin Pharmaceuticals Ltd |
24. |
Incident Reporting System and RCA in A Hospital With Reference To the Standards Laid Down By Nabh-A Study |
25. |
Customer Engagement in Social Media Brand Community |
26. |
The Effect of Human Development Index, Political Pressure, and Financial Knowledge on Public Budgeting With Accountability as A Moderation Variables
(Studies in South Sulawesi Provincial Government) |
27. |
Las habilidades personales y sociales, que se necesitan para fomentar el emprendimiento dentro del aula |
28. |
Regional Owned Goods Administration Strategy in the Government of Mamuju District, West Sulawesi Province |
29. |
Fiscal Policy And Inflation In Nigeria: An Insight Into The Critical Limit Hypothesis |
30. |
Cryptocurrency: Exhilaration in the Virtual Currencies |
31. |
Impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices on Proenvironmental Behavior of IT employees in Chennai |
32. |
Opinion Determination of Regional Government Budget Report of North Toraja District |
33. |
Analysis Tax Planning On Withholding Tax And Value Added Tax Related To Reimbursement Transaction |
34. |
Impact of Faculty Development and Evaluation Programs for Enlightening Education and Sustainability of the Universities in Bangladesh: A Methodological Study |
35. |
Village Development Strategy Towards Independent Village in Tana Toraja District |
36. |
New concept Car Showroom Strategy Using Multidimensional Scaling in PT Hyundai Mobil Indonesia |
37. |
Strategy to Increase Competitive Advantage in Rubber Products Company PT. Fitria Jaya Lestari |
38. |
Ascertaining the Impact of Celebrity Attractiveness and Familiarity on Consumer Buying Behavior Among Female University Students in Ghana |
39. |
The Effect of Work Environment, Additional Employee Income (Tpp) and Promotion on Employee Performance Scope Government of North Toraja District |
41. |
Impact of Financial planning on Financial performance -A study of select undertakings |
42. |
Analysis The Effects of Competence Job Stress and Work Environment on Job Satisfaction of Employees Heavy Equipment Manufacturing Company |
43. |
The Effect Of Work Load On The Performance Of Employees With Stress As Intervening Variables At Hasanuddin University |
44. |
The Influence of Price, Product Quality and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: Case Study of Investors in Pt. Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (Persero) |
45. |
Cultivating Millennial Leaders |
46. |
Diversification of Rubber Products as a Business Resilience Strategy; A Conceptual Paper |
47. |
The Effect of E-Commerce Adoption and Innovation on the Marketing Performance of Msme Players In Bekasi City |
48. |
Innovation and Creativity in Industries |